The Snow Storm Begins!

Posted by dsalas on Dec 18, 2009 in Uncategorized

The BIG snow storm has begun. I’m hunkered down with Ewok in the townhouse watching the snow fall. If we get the 12-18″ they’re calling for the poor boy won’t be able to go outside. Here’s the unofficial dotcometer – Thanks to Jerry Massey for the term – that I have outside. I had to step next to it to get the garden flag mount into the ground, but it’s looking like 3-inches as of 3:38 p.m. … Saturday 8am update: 16.5 inches. More Photos …


The New Adventures Of The Old Dumb Freshman

Posted by dsalas on Jun 19, 2009 in Uncategorized

Oh, where do I begin? On Thursday we started our adventure to Yosemite National Park from Santa Clara University. This was going to be a four hour trip. Little did I know this would be the beginning of a “dumb freshman” adventure. We arrived to Yosemite shortly after 2pm and drove around the park stopping to take pictures along the way. We finally made it to our cabin for the night at Curry Village. I made a reservation for a Curry Cabin with Bath.
We finally get the key and make a quick trip to drop our stuff off and move our snacks from the car to the cabin so the bears wouldn’t get them from the car. We get in and Bryan claims there’s no bathroom. It’s a small room with a double bed, a desk, a set of drawers and two other doors. I open one door which is to a small closet. Bryan checks out the other door and says it’s locked and is to the other room. Since we’re supposed to have a bath we start walking around the outside of the cabin looking for the bathroom. I found a room behind our area of the cabin and it has four hot water heaters. So we head back into the cabin and I open the door Bryan said went to the other room and wouldn’t you know it … I found the bathroom!

There were a few other dumb freshman moments, I’ll try to post another one later. In the meantime view the photo gallery for images from Yosemite.


California Dreamin’

Posted by dsalas on Jun 16, 2009 in Uncategorized

Here are some pics from my trip to California to visit Bryan Schamus.


The Roman Holiday

Posted by dsalas on May 19, 2009 in Photos, Trips

So it’s been a while since my last post … I blame – oh wait, that’s over!

I saw Angles & Demons last friday and, if you haven’t seen it, the entire movie takes place in Rome. It brought back a lot of memories of sites that I visited. So I scoured through the hard drive on my computer and found all of my pictures from the big trip to Rome back in September 2006. I’ve made a new gallery of all the images I took. Some are good, some aren’t – I’ll go through and remove the bad ones later.

I’ll probably add more images to the gallery from other trips as I find them.

Thanks to Brian Sewell for the specs on the photo gallery.


The Snow Blog, Part 2

Posted by dsalas on Mar 2, 2009 in Snow

Got measurements of 5-7 inches around the house. Ewok’s not a fan of the snow, but he did like putting his sweater on this morning.


The Snow Blog

Posted by dsalas on Mar 1, 2009 in Snow

Finally getting a good snow fall in the NRV! 


The Blog About The Cameron Crazies

Posted by dsalas on Jan 4, 2009 in Uncategorized
Here’s a running list of chants in Cameron Indoor tonight about AD Vassallo’s love of Dr. Pepper:
Doc-tor Pep-per (3 times)
Coke Is Bet-ter

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The OMG They’re Engaged Blog

Posted by dsalas on Nov 26, 2008 in Uncategorized

I just got a phone call from Bryan Schamus out in California and was asked to spread the word, so here goes… Bryan and his long distance/long time girlfriend, Katie Bubb are engaged. No word yet on a wedding date, but it shouldn’t conflict with a Tech football game.

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The Blog About Olives

Posted by dsalas on Nov 25, 2008 in Random Stuff, Restaurants

So I’m sitting at Olive Garden having some soup and salad for lunch and the salad came with just two olives. This is the second time this has happened, at two different places, which makes me think it’s the company standard. Kind of ironic since this is ‘Olive’ Garden.

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The Blog About Things ‘Tha’ Hates

Posted by dsalas on Nov 24, 2008 in Office Humor

You may be wondering, who is Tha? Tha, better known as Brent Hager, is a former SID Intern at Virginia Tech. Needless to say, he didn’t like to many things, so I’ll have a page soon for everyone to add to the list of things Tha hates.

For the record, he’s Tha because when he started his name was misspelled as Haggard, as in Merle Haggard – which quickly became The Merle, then condensed to simply Tha.

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