The New Adventures Of The Old Dumb Freshman

Posted by dsalas on Jun 19, 2009 in Uncategorized |

Oh, where do I begin? On Thursday we started our adventure to Yosemite National Park from Santa Clara University. This was going to be a four hour trip. Little did I know this would be the beginning of a “dumb freshman” adventure. We arrived to Yosemite shortly after 2pm and drove around the park stopping to take pictures along the way. We finally made it to our cabin for the night at Curry Village. I made a reservation for a Curry Cabin with Bath.
We finally get the key and make a quick trip to drop our stuff off and move our snacks from the car to the cabin so the bears wouldn’t get them from the car. We get in and Bryan claims there’s no bathroom. It’s a small room with a double bed, a desk, a set of drawers and two other doors. I open one door which is to a small closet. Bryan checks out the other door and says it’s locked and is to the other room. Since we’re supposed to have a bath we start walking around the outside of the cabin looking for the bathroom. I found a room behind our area of the cabin and it has four hot water heaters. So we head back into the cabin and I open the door Bryan said went to the other room and wouldn’t you know it … I found the bathroom!

There were a few other dumb freshman moments, I’ll try to post another one later. In the meantime view the photo gallery for images from Yosemite.


Jun 23, 2009 at 5:14 pm


Jun 29, 2009 at 9:57 am

Cool site… you should update more.

